A Complete Guide to Student Travel Insurance

Student Travel Insurance Guide - BimaBandhu

Embarking on a journey to pursue higher education is an exhilarating and transformative experience for countless students. It is about leaving the comfort of home to explore new horizons, gain knowledge, and forge lifelong connections. However, amidst the excitement lies the responsibility to safeguard yourself against unexpected challenges that may arise along the way. This is where the often-overlooked yet indispensable companion – student travel insurance, steps in to play a pivotal role.

Let us help you understand this better with a related example –

Rhea, a young student is eagerly preparing for her journey from India to the United States to pursue her dreams of studying computer science. With her bags packed and dreams within reach, she sets off on her adventure, excited to immerse herself in a new culture and academic environment. However, fate has a different plan in store.

As Rhea navigates the unfamiliar streets of the new city, she suddenly falls victim to a pickpocket that made her lose her passport, important documents, and a considerable amount of cash. Panic sets in as she realizes the magnitude of the situation. Left stranded and vulnerable in a foreign land, Rhea faces numerous challenges, including the complexities of replacing her lost documents, the financial burden of unexpected expenses, and the uncertainty of her academic journey. This unfortunate incident highlights the significance of having a safety net in the form of student travel insurance.

Rhea’s story is not unique as a growing number of Indian students venture abroad for higher studies each year. In recent times, India has witnessed a remarkable surge in the number of students pursuing educational opportunities overseas. According to the Ministry of External Affairs, a staggering 7.5 lakh Indian students embarked on international academic journeys in 2021. With such a significant number of students leaving the country, the need for comprehensive student travel insurance in India becomes more critical than ever before.

If you want to know more about this aspect before buying any plan, you’ve come to the right place. 

What is Student Travel Insurance?

Student travel insurance is a specialized type of travel insurance that is designed to provide coverage and protection to students undertaking educational journeys abroad. It serves as a financial safety net and offers assistance in various unforeseen situations that may arise during their time away from their home country (India). This type of insurance encompasses a range of benefits and services tailored specifically to the unique needs of students studying abroad.

Before you travel abroad for higher education, you must know that the best student travel insurance typically covers a wide array of risks and challenges that you may face while studying in a foreign country. These include medical emergencies, such as illness or accidents requiring immediate attention and medical treatment. In such cases, the insurance provider typically covers the costs associated with medical consultations, hospitalization, medication, and emergency medical evacuation if necessary.

Additionally, student travel insurance often includes coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions. This can prove vital in situations where unforeseen circumstances, such as family emergencies or natural disasters, force students to alter or cancel their travel plans.

Importance of Student Travel Insurance

Buying international student travel insurance is essential for several reasons, including the following:

  • Most student travel plans provide coverage for unexpected medical emergencies that may occur during your time abroad. They ensure you have access to quality healthcare without worrying about exorbitant medical expenses.
  • Life is unpredictable, and some circumstances may force you to cancel or interrupt the trip. This type of travel insurance helps protect the financial investment by reimbursing you for non-refundable expenses like flights, accommodation, and program fees.
  • Being in a foreign country can expose you to risks such as theft or loss of baggage. Student travel insurance policies offer coverage for lost or stolen belongings and enable you to replace essential items to continue with your studies without significant disruption.
  • In unfamiliar territories, legal issues can be daunting. By having the best student travel insurance policy by your side, you get access to the provisions for legal assistance with guidance and support should you encounter any legal complications during your educational journey.
  • Student travel insurance acts as a financial safety net and protects you from unexpected expenses that may arise due to various unforeseen circumstances. It helps alleviate the financial burden and allows you to focus on your studies and personal growth.

Disclaimer: The exact coverage and benefits of any such policy depend on the policy specifications and the chosen insurance provider.

What are the Key Features/Inclusions of a Student Travel Insurance Plan?

A student travel insurance plan typically includes several key features that cater specifically to the needs of students studying abroad. These include:

  1. Medical coverage to provide coverage for medical expenses resulting from illness, accidents, or injuries during your time abroad (this includes hospitalization, doctor’s visits, emergency medical evacuation, and sometimes dental or mental health coverage)
  2. Trip cancellation and interruption to reimburse you for non-refundable expenses if you need to cancel or interrupt your trip due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, family emergencies, or natural disasters
  3. Baggage and personal belongings coverage to cover loss, theft, or damage to baggage while traveling and provide reimbursement for the value of the lost or damaged items as per the policy limits
  4. Round-the-clock emergency assistance services, including access to a helpline for medical advice, assistance in finding medical facilities, language interpretation, and coordination of emergency medical evacuations if necessary
  5. Legal assistance to offer support and guidance in case you encounter legal issues abroad
  6. Personal liability coverage to cover legal liabilities that may arise if you accidentally cause injury to someone else or damage someone’s property while you are abroad

It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the insurance policy to understand the specific coverage limits, exclusions, and any additional features or optional add-ons available. You can also use a travel insurance premium calculator to get an estimate of the premium payable.

When is Student Travel Insurance Required?

Student travel insurance policy is typically required in the following situations:

  • Study abroad programs

Many educational institutions and study abroad programs require students to have travel insurance as a mandatory condition for participation. This ensures that they have adequate coverage during their time abroad and can access necessary medical services if needed.

Certain universities or academic programs may have their own policies that require students to have travel insurance. It is important to check the specific requirements of your institution or program to ensure compliance.

  • Visa requirements

Some countries may require students to have travel insurance as part of their visa application process. This is to ensure that students have financial protection for medical emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances while residing in that country.

  • Personal safety and financial protection

Even if travel insurance is not explicitly required, it is strongly recommended for all students studying abroad. It provides essential protection against medical emergencies, trip cancellations, loss of personal belongings, and legal issues. It offers peace of mind and safeguards students from potential financial burdens that may arise during their time abroad.

It is important to note that the specific requirements for student travel insurance may vary depending on the country, educational institution, or program. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully review the guidelines and regulations provided by your institution or program coordinators to determine when and if student travel insurance is mandatory. Even if it is not required, opting for travel insurance is a wise decision to ensure your well-being and minimize potential risks during your educational journey abroad.

Advantages of Buying The Best Student Travel Insurance Plan

  • Financial protection against unexpected medical expenses while studying abroad
  • Coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions due to unforeseen circumstances
  • Reimbursement for lost or stolen baggage and personal belongings
  • Access to emergency assistance services 24/7
  • Legal assistance and coverage for legal expenses if needed
  • Protection against study interruption costs
  • Personal liability coverage for accidental injury or property damage
  • Peace of mind and a safety net for a worry-free educational journey

Common Exclusions of International Student Travel Insurance

International student travel insurance typically includes certain exclusions, which are situations or events not covered by the policy. Here are some common exclusions you should be aware of:

  1. Pre-existing conditions: Medical expenses related to pre-existing conditions may be excluded unless specifically covered by the policy.
  2. High-risk activities: Injuries or accidents resulting from high-risk activities such as extreme sports or adventure activities may not be covered unless an additional rider or coverage is purchased.
  3. Intentional or illegal acts: Any claims arising from intentional self-inflicted injuries, illegal activities, or participation in criminal acts are generally excluded.
  4. Mental health conditions: Treatment or expenses related to mental health conditions, unless specifically covered, may be excluded.
  5. War or terrorism: Losses or injuries caused by war, acts of terrorism, or civil unrest may not be covered by the policy.
  6. Alcohol or substance abuse: Any medical or personal liability claims resulting from alcohol or substance abuse may be excluded.
  7. Failure to follow medical advice: If you fail to follow medical advice or treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional, related expenses may not be covered.
  8. Unapproved travel destinations: Traveling to countries or regions under travel warnings or advisories by your home country’s government may not be covered.

It’s crucial to carefully review the policy terms and conditions to understand the specific exclusions of your student travel insurance.

10 Tips to Save on Student Travel Insurance in India

  • Compare quotes

Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare coverage and prices. This allows you to find a policy that offers the best value for your specific needs.

  • Opt for essential coverage

Assess your needs and choose a policy that provides essential coverage without unnecessary add-ons. Avoid paying for coverage you don’t require.

  • Increase deductible

Consider choosing a higher deductible amount or percentage. This can lower your premium cost. Keep in mind that you’ll have to pay the deductible out of pocket on making a claim.

  • Shorten trip duration

If possible, reduce the length of your trip. Premiums are often based on the duration of travel, which means a shorter trip may result in lower insurance costs.

  • Look for group policies

If you are traveling with other students, inquire about group insurance policies. Some insurers offer discounted rates for group travel insurance.

  • Look for student discounts

Look for insurers that offer specific discounts for students that can help you save on your insurance premium.

  • Review coverage limits

Ensure that the coverage limits align with your needs. Opting for higher coverage limits than necessary can increase your premium.

  • Avoid duplicate coverage

Check if you already have coverage through other sources, such as your parents’ insurance. Avoid purchasing overlapping coverage to save on costs.

  • Read the fine print

Carefully review the policy terms and conditions to understand its inclusions and exclusions. This will help you make an informed decision and avoid unexpected expenses.

  • Purchase online

Buying your student travel insurance policy online can often lead to additional savings. Many insurance providers offer exclusive discounts for online purchases, which makes it a cost-effective option. Additionally, purchasing online allows for convenience, flexibility, and the ability to compare different policies easily, helping you find the best coverage at the best price without the hassle of visiting a physical location or dealing with paperwork.

What Do You Mean By Student Travel Insurance Extension?

Extension of student travel insurance refers to the option of extending the coverage period of your insurance policy beyond the initial duration for which it is purchased. This extension allows you to continue getting the protection and enjoying the benefits of the insurance policy for an extended period.

Extensions are typically useful in situations where your original policy is about to expire but the stay abroad is not yet complete. By extending your policy, you can maintain the same level of protection against medical emergencies, trip cancellations, baggage loss, and other covered events.

You should also know that:

  • The availability and terms of policy extensions may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy you have. 
  • Some insurance companies offer the option to extend coverage for a specified duration, while others may require you to purchase a new policy altogether.
  • When considering an extension, it’s crucial to contact your insurance provider well in advance and inquire about the process, requirements, and any associated costs. 

To ensure uninterrupted coverage during your entire stay abroad, it’s recommended to plan ahead and evaluate the need for an extension in advance. This way, you can make informed decisions regarding your insurance coverage and avoid any gaps in protection.

How to File a Student Travel Insurance Claim?

Given below are the generic steps you need to follow to file a student travel insurance claim:

  • Review the policy

Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your insurance policy, including the coverage limits, claim process, and required documentation.

  • Notify the insurance provider

Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to notify them of the incident or situation for which you need to file a claim. Follow their instructions regarding the claim process.

  • Complete claim forms

Obtain the necessary claim forms from your insurance provider. Fill out the forms accurately and provide all requested information, including personal details, policy information, and a detailed description of the incident.

  • Gather supporting documents

Collect all relevant supporting documents to substantiate your claim. This may include medical reports, receipts, police reports (if applicable), proof of expenses, and any other documentation required by your insurance provider.

  • Submit the claim

Compile all the completed claim forms and supporting documents and submit them to the insurance provider within the specified timeframe. Also, keep a copy of all the documents with you for future references.

  • Follow-up and communication

Stay in regular contact with your insurance provider and promptly respond to any requests for additional information or documentation. Keep track of all communication and correspondence related to your claim.

  • Cooperate with investigations

If the insurance provider needs to investigate your claim, cooperate fully by providing any requested information or assistance.

  • Await claim decision

The insurance provider will review your claim and make a decision based on the terms of your policy. They will communicate their decision to you, which may include the approval or denial of the claim.

  • Reimbursement or settlement

If your claim is approved, the insurer will provide reimbursement for eligible expenses or settle the claim according to the terms of your policy. This may involve direct payment to service providers or reimbursement to you.

  • Appeal or dispute resolution (if necessary)

If your claim is denied or you are dissatisfied with the outcome, review the appeals or dispute resolution process outlined by the insurance provider. Follow the necessary steps to seek a resolution.

It’s important to note that the specific claim process may vary depending on the insurance provider and policy.

10 Things to Consider Before Buying Student Travel Insurance

Before you buy student travel insurance, consider the following:

  • Coverage

Ensure that the policy covers your specific needs, including medical expenses, trip cancellations, baggage loss, and other relevant aspects.

  • Policy limits

Check the coverage limits to ensure they are sufficient for your requirements, such as medical expenses or personal liability coverage.

  • Exclusions

Understand the exclusions and limitations of the policy to avoid surprises when making a claim.

  • Deductibles

Evaluate the deductible amount and its impact on the premium and potential out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Pre-existing conditions

Determine if the policy covers pre-existing medical conditions, if applicable.

  • Duration

Confirm that the policy covers the entire duration of your travel or study abroad period.

  • Additional coverage

Consider if you need additional coverage for specific activities or belongings, such as sports or expensive equipment.

  • Cost

Compare quotes from different insurance providers to find the best balance between coverage and affordability.

  • Insurer’s reputation

Research the reputation and customer reviews of the insurance provider to ensure reliability and customer satisfaction.

  • Claims process

Understand the process for filing claims and the required documentation to ensure a smooth and efficient claims experience.

9 Reasons You Should Read BimaBandhu

Here’s why you should read BimaBandhu before buying any insurance policy:

  • Comprehensive information

BimaBandhu provides comprehensive and reliable information on various insurance topics. It covers a wide range of insurance types, including life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, travel insurance, and more.

  • Educational resource

BimaBandhu mainly serves as an educational resource to help individuals understand the basics of insurance, terminology, policy types, coverage options, and important considerations when purchasing insurance.

  • Empowerment

By reading BimaBandhu, you can become more knowledgeable about insurance. This can empower you to make informed decisions when selecting insurance policies, understanding their coverage, and evaluating their insurance needs.

  • Clear and concise explanations

BimaBandhu presents information in a clear and concise manner to make complex insurance concepts and terms easier to understand for the average reader.

  • Stay updated

BimaBandhu offers up-to-date information, ensuring that you are aware of the latest trends, changes in insurance regulations, and emerging topics in the insurance industry.

  • Comparisons and insights

This comprehensive insurance blog may provide comparisons of insurance policies, highlighting key features and differences to help readers make informed choices. It may also offer insights into industry trends and best practices.

  • Tips and guidance

You can find practical tips, advice, and guidance on various insurance-related matters to navigate the insurance landscape and optimize coverage.

  • Risk management

By understanding insurance concepts and having access to valuable information through BimaBandhu, individuals can effectively manage risks, protect their assets, and make sound financial decisions.

  • Trusted source

BimaBandhu aims to provide accurate and reliable information, making it a trusted source for insurance-related knowledge.


What does student travel insurance typically cover?

This type of travel insurance typically covers medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, trip cancellation/interruption, baggage loss/delay, personal liability, and other related benefits. Coverage may vary depending on the specific policy.

Do I really need student travel insurance if I already have health insurance?

Yes, having student travel insurance is important even if you have health insurance. Student travel insurance provides additional coverage specific to your travel and study abroad needs.

Is student travel insurance mandatory for all students studying abroad?

The requirement for student travel insurance varies depending on the educational institution, study abroad program, and the country you are traveling to. It is advisable to check with your institution or program coordinators to determine if it is mandatory.

Can I purchase student travel insurance for a short duration?

Most of these policies are often available for both short-term and long-term durations. You can choose a policy that aligns with the duration of your travel or study abroad period.

Can I extend my student travel insurance if my stay abroad is extended?

Some insurance providers offer the option to extend coverage beyond the initial policy duration. However, the availability and terms of extensions may vary. It’s important to contact your insurance provider to inquire about extension options and requirements.

Can I cancel the policy if my plans change?

Most insurance policies have a cancellation provision, but the terms and conditions may vary from one insurer to another. Hence, you should review the cancellation policy of your insurer before purchasing the policy

Does student travel insurance cover pre-existing medical conditions?

Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions may vary depending on the chosen policy. Some policies may cover pre-existing conditions, while others exclude them. 

How much does student travel insurance typically cost?

The cost of these travel insurance plans depends on multiple factors, including the duration of travel, destination, coverage limits, and the insurer. It’s advisable to obtain quotes from multiple providers to compare prices and coverage options.


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