Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy

Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan - BimaBandhu

Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy can be your passport to comprehensive international health coverage. This policy is developed by Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. and provides a safety net against 16 major illnesses, ensuring your health is a top priority, no matter where life takes you. In simple words, you can benefit from a seamless experience with cashless reimbursement at a vast network of hospitals worldwide, ensuring you receive the best care without the hassle. 

Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy is not just a health insurance plan but a promise of security and peace of mind. In an increasingly interconnected world, health knows no borders. This policy can extend its protective embrace beyond Indian shores. 

In this complete guide, we will cover the intricacies of this global health solution, breaking down the complexities to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your well-being. 

Coverage Offered Under Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy

  • Worldwide in-patient hospitalization for major illnesses

If you experience a major illness requiring hospitalization outside of India, you need not worry about the medical costs – they will be taken care of under this plan. The coverage takes care of things like room charges, ICU and OT expenses, fees for doctors and nurses, costs for medications, etc. This way, you won’t have to worry about these financial aspects during a tough time.

  • Post-hospitalization medical expenses

If you ever have a serious health issue, the plan takes care of your post-hospitalization bills up to a certain point. That way, you can concentrate on recovering without stressing over the expenses too much.

  • Organ donor expenses

If you ever require an organ transplant and it’s within the policy guidelines, the plan will take care of the medical expenses up to a certain limit.

  • Travel expenses

The plan also covers transportation from your home to the airport and hospital, plus a one-time economy airfare, again taking some of the stress off your shoulders.

  • Accommodation Expenses

It entitles the insured person, organ donor, or accompanying attendant to reasonable accommodation in the city of treatment (if different from the permanent address).

This comprehensive coverage ensures that the Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy goes beyond borders to safeguard your health. Whether it’s major illness hospitalization, post-hospitalization expenses, organ transplants, travel, accommodation, or the sensitive matter of repatriation, the policy caters to a spectrum of needs, offering financial security and support during challenging times.

Also Read: List of IRDAI-Approved Health Insurance Companies in India 

Features & Benefits of the Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan

  • Health insurance coverage with a sum insured amount of Rs 3 crores and Rs 6 crores, providing flexibility to meet diverse healthcare needs
  • A reasonable initial waiting period of 30 days applicable for all plans, except for accidents and renewals, ensuring swift coverage commencement
  • A waiting period of 24 months for specific illnesses
  • Tailored waiting periods of 24, 36, or 48 months for pre-existing diseases, reflecting a nuanced consideration based on the nature and severity of the condition
  • Attractive offers on premium rates for long-term policies, encouraging a commitment to extended coverage
  • Tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, adding a financial advantage to the comprehensive health coverage

As mentioned above, Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan goes beyond traditional insurance by providing substantial coverage options, reasonable waiting periods, and incentives for long-term commitment. 

Inclusions of Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan

  • In the event of the insured person being diagnosed with a listed major illness during the policy period, there is an option to seek an e-opinion from a distinguished panel of medical practitioners.
  • Coverage for major illnesses include Cancer treatment, Heart Valve Replacement, Bone Marrow Transplant, Neurosurgery, among others
  • The policy extends beyond conventional health coverage by offering valuable support in the form of visa documentation guidance.

Exclusions of Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan

Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan, while comprehensive, maintains certain exclusions to ensure clarity and adherence to policy guidelines. By delineating these exclusions, the policy aims to provide a transparent understanding of the situations and conditions not covered, allowing policyholders to make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being. These include:

  • Expenses related to hearing aids, contact lenses, and optometric therapy
  • Cosmetic treatments and surgeries, undertaken for aesthetic purposes
  • Treatment for conditions such as alopecia, baldness, and similar issues 
  • Any injury, illness, or accident resulting from substance or intoxicant abuse
  • Injuries intentionally inflicted upon oneself and those arising from the breach of law 

Read More: Types of Health Insurance in India

Eligibility Criteria to Buy Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy

  • Available for both individual and multi-individual options; does not offer a family floater plan
  • Minimum entry age: 91 days, provided at least one parent is covered under the policy
  • Maximum entry age: 65 years 
  • No specified limit for policy renewal
  • Coverage extends to self, spouse, siblings, children, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, grandkids, and other family members
  • Available for residents of India, including citizens, permanent residents, and foreigners holding an employment pass, dependent pass, or work permit

These eligibility criteria for Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy are designed to accommodate different individual and family needs. The policy ensures clarity and accessibility, making it easier for potential policyholders to determine their eligibility and make informed decisions about their health coverage.

Cancellation Terms of the Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy

  • Cancellation by the insured

The policyholder has the option to cancel the policy by providing a written notice at least 15 days before the intended cancellation date. In this case, the company will refund the premium for the unexpired policy period.

  • Automatic cancellation

The policy will automatically terminate upon the death of the insured person. A refund will be processed, contingent upon no claims being filed under the policy on behalf of the insured.

  • Cancellation by the company

The insurance company reserves the right to cancel the policy on grounds of fraud by issuing a 15 days’ notice. No refund will be provided in the event of cancellation by the company due to fraudulent activities.

Recommended Read: All About Aditya Birla Health Insurance


Can I purchase the Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Policy for my entire family?

No, the policy does not offer a family floater plan. However, it provides options for individual or multi-individual coverage, allowing you to include various family members such as spouse, children, parents, and more.

Is there a waiting period for pre-existing diseases under this policy?

Yes, the waiting period for pre-existing diseases ranges from 24 to 48 months, depending on the nature and severity of the condition. It’s essential to consider this aspect when opting for this policy.

Can I cancel the policy if needed, and what are the terms for cancellation?

Yes, you can cancel the policy by providing a 15-day written notice. If initiated by the insured, the company will refund the premium for the unexpired policy period. However, if the company cancels due to fraud, no refund will be provided.

Are cosmetic treatments covered under the Aditya Birla Global Health Secure Plan?

Cosmetic treatments and surgeries are excluded from the coverage. The policy focuses on essential health-related expenses rather than aesthetic procedures.

What happens if I need an e-opinion for a major illness diagnosis?

If diagnosed with a listed major illness, you can avail an international second e-opinion from a panel of medical practitioners. This service ensures informed decision-making during critical health situations.

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