Explore Motor Insurance FAQs and Ask Your Questions

Considering motor insurance and wondering about things? We’ve got simple answers to common motor insurance FAQs. Dive in to find what you need. Also, feel free to ask questions you have in mind. We’re here to make motor insurance purchase/selection easy for you.

Rahul Nair

What happens if the two wheeler insurance expires? Read Answer

If your two-wheeler insurance expires, it's crucial to address the situation promptly. When the policy lapses, your bike is no longer covered, leaving you vulnerable to potential risks. In case of an accident or damage to your vehicle during this period, you won't be able to make a claim, and you'll have to bear the expenses out of pocket. To reinstate coverage, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Some companies may offer a grace period during which you can renew without losing continuity. However, if too much time elapses, you might need to undergo a vehicle inspection, and the renewal process could involve additional formalities. It's essential to be proactive in renewing your two-wheeler insurance to ensure continuous coverage and financial protection against unforeseen events on the road.

Rohan Gupta

What is NCB in motor insurance? Read Answer

NCB, or No Claim Bonus, is a discount offered by motor insurance providers to policyholders who have not made any claims during the policy period. It serves as a reward for safe driving and responsible behavior on the road. NCB accumulates each claim-free year, leading to increased discounts on the insurance premium upon policy renewal. Policyholders can enjoy significant cost savings by maintaining a claim-free record over consecutive years.

Ananya Reddy

Can I transfer my motor insurance policy to the new owner while selling my vehicle? Read Answer

Yes, you can transfer your motor insurance policy to the new owner when selling your vehicle. This process is known as the transfer of ownership. To do this: - Notify your insurance company about the sale and provide details of the new owner. - Typically, the new owner needs to submit documents to get the policy transferred. - The insurance company will endorse the policy with the new owner's details, ensuring the coverage continues.

Arjun Singh

What will happen if I change a car or bike in the middle of the year? Read Answer

If you change your car or bike in the middle of the policy year, you have a few options: - You can request a transfer of your existing motor insurance policy to the new vehicle. The insurer will adjust the premium based on the new vehicle's details. - Alternatively, you can cancel the existing policy and purchase a new one for the new vehicle. There might be cancellation fees, and you might lose any NCB from the current policy. It's essential to inform your insurance company timely about the vehicle change to ensure continuous coverage and comply with legal requirements. A delay in updating the information may affect the validity of your insurance.

Diya Patel

For how long does a motor insurance policy last? Read Answer

A motor insurance policy typically lasts for one year. It is an annual contract that needs to be renewed to maintain coverage. Policyholders are required to renew their motor insurance before the expiration date to ensure continuous protection. Some insurers may offer longer-term policies, such as two or three years, with the advantage of potential premium discounts. However, annual renewals are the standard practice in the industry. You can obtain more information from our complete motor insurance guide.


Should I file small claims under motor insurance? Read Answer

Filing small claims under motor insurance depends on your individual circumstances. While it's tempting to claim for minor damages, consider the following: - Small claims may lead to the loss of your NCB, resulting in higher premiums during renewals. - Check if the repair costs exceed your deductible. If they don't, it might be more cost-effective to cover the expenses yourself. - Multiple small claims can increase your risk profile, potentially leading to higher premiums in the future. - If you have zero-depreciation or comprehensive coverage, small claims might be more justifiable.

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The motor insurance FAQs on this page are user-contributed, serving the purpose of fostering awareness about motor insurance and clarifying insurance-related queries. We do not endorse or recommend any specific motor insurance product. For personalized guidance regarding motor insurance, consult with an insurance professional/agent or expert in the field.