Maternity Insurance Policy: A Comprehensive Guide

Maternity Insurance Policy - BimaBandhu
Explore the various benefits and coverage under maternity insurance policy, and find practical tips on selecting the ideal policy that provides financial security during this special phase of life.

The incredible journey of parenthood awaits almost every individual in life and is filled with moments of excitement, love, and joy. As you plan to embark on this life-changing adventure, it is crucial to safeguard both your emotional well-being and financial security. Amidst the anticipation and preparations, one aspect that often goes overlooked is the need for a comprehensive maternity insurance policy.

For expecting parents in India, maternity medical insurance can provide a safety net during the precious months of pregnancy and beyond. It offers peace of mind, knowing that you and your little one will receive the best possible care without the burden of overwhelming medical expenses. With public expenditure in healthcare rising steadily, having adequate maternity health cover can make all the difference in ensuring a worry-free pregnancy and a healthy start for your bundle of joy.

In this blog, we will delve into the world of maternity health insurance, unraveling its significance and shedding light on the benefits it brings to you and your growing family. Whether you are planning to start a family or already on the beautiful journey of pregnancy, understanding the importance of maternity insurance coverage will empower you to make well-informed decisions.

What is a Maternity Insurance Policy?

A maternity insurance policy is a specialized type of health insurance plan designed to provide financial coverage and support to expectant mothers and their newborns during the entire journey of pregnancy and childbirth. It offers a range of benefits and services that help expecting parents manage the high medical expenses associated with prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care for both the mother and the baby.

Unlike regular health insurance plans, which may not fully cover maternity-related expenses or may have limited coverage, maternity medical insurance policies are specifically tailored to cater to the unique needs of pregnant women and growing families. These policies aim to ease the financial burden on parents, allowing them to focus on the well-being of the mother and child without worrying about the cost of medical treatments and hospitalization.

Importance of Buying Health Insurance with Maternity Cover

Buying health insurance with maternity coverage is of paramount importance for several compelling reasons. Let’s explore why this specialized coverage is a crucial aspect of financial planning for expectant parents:

  1. Financial protection during pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth involve numerous medical expenses, including prenatal care, doctor consultations, diagnostic tests, delivery charges, and postnatal care. Buying a maternity insurance policy ensures that these costs are taken care of, thereby reducing the financial burden on the expectant parents.

  1. High healthcare costs

Medical expenses related to pregnancy and childbirth can be substantial, especially if complications arise, necessitating specialized care. Having a health insurance policy with maternity cover provides access to quality medical facilities and treatments without worrying about steep bills.

  1. Peace of mind

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it can also bring anxiety about potential health issues and medical expenses. With maternity health insurance, parents can focus on the well-being of the mother and the baby, knowing that their policy has their back in case of any unforeseen medical needs.

  1. Comprehensive coverage for both mother and baby

Health insurance with maternity cover in India typically includes not only expenses related to the mother’s pregnancy and delivery but also covers postnatal care for both the mother and the newborn. This comprehensive coverage ensures a healthy start for the baby and adequate support for the mother during the recovery period.

  1. Adequate pre-natal care

Prenatal care is essential for monitoring the health of the mother and ensuring the well-being of the developing baby. Under a maternity insurance policy, expectant mothers are encouraged to seek timely medical check-ups and screenings, hence promoting a healthy pregnancy and reducing the risk of complications.

  1. Planning for the future

Parenthood is a significant life event that comes with new responsibilities. Having maternity health cover sets a strong foundation for financial planning and ensures that the family’s well-being is safeguarded from the very beginning of this journey.

  1. Easy to avoid out-of-pocket expenses

Without maternity coverage, expectant parents may need to pay for pregnancy-related expenses out of their pocket, which can be financially straining. With suitable health insurance with maternity cover, these out-of-pocket expenses can be minimized or eliminated.

  1. Access to quality healthcare services

Maternity insurance encourages expectant parents to seek care from network hospitals and healthcare providers. This ensures access to a wide range of quality medical services and facilities, enhancing the overall experience of pregnancy and childbirth.

  1. Easy to address unforeseen complications

While most pregnancies progress smoothly, there can be unforeseen complications that require immediate medical attention. Maternity coverage in health insurance provides financial support during such critical situations, ensuring that necessary treatments and interventions are not delayed due to financial constraints.

You should also know that health insurance including maternity cover often has waiting periods. It means they need to be purchased well in advance, typically before conception. By planning ahead and getting maternity coverage, you can maximize the benefits and be prepared for the entire pregnancy journey.

Also Read: A Complete Guide to Health Insurance in India

What are the Benefits of Maternity Health Insurance?

Given below are some of the primary benefits of health insurance with maternity cover in India:

  1. Financial protection because of the financial coverage for prenatal, delivery, and postnatal expenses which eases the burden of high healthcare costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth
  2. Pre-natal care that covers routine check-ups, doctor consultations, and diagnostic tests during pregnancy to promote early detection of potential health issues
  3. Delivery expense cover that includes hospitalization charges, surgeon fees, and other delivery-related medical costs to ensure a worry-free childbirth experience
  4. Post-natal care coverage that covers post-delivery medical care for both the mother and the newborn and facilitates a healthy recovery period
  5. Coverage for complications to offer financial support for unexpected pregnancy-related complications and ensure timely medical interventions
  6. Easy access to a network of affiliated hospitals and healthcare providers to get quality medical services
  7. Newborn baby coverage to include medical expenses for the newborn for a specific period after birth
  8. Family planning support by promoting family planning options for couples facing fertility issues
  9. Preventive care that covers preventive care services and encourages early detection and wellness during pregnancy
  10. Tax benefits under certain provisions of the tax laws

What are the Types of Maternity Insurance Policies?

Maternity insurance policies come in various types to cater to the diverse needs of expectant parents. Here are the common types of maternity insurance policies:

  • Comprehensive maternity insurance

These policies offer extensive coverage for pregnancy-related expenses, including prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, and complications. They provide the most comprehensive coverage, but the premiums may be higher.

  • Maternity riders or add-ons

Some health insurance plans offer maternity riders as optional add-ons. These riders enhance the existing health insurance coverage by providing maternity benefits. This option is suitable for individuals who already have health insurance but want to include maternity coverage without purchasing a separate policy.

  • Group maternity insurance

Some employers offer a group maternity insurance policy as part of their employee benefits package. It covers all eligible employees and their spouses for maternity-related expenses. It may have certain limitations on coverage, but it can be a cost-effective option for expectant employees.

  • Government-sponsored maternity insurance programs

The government of India also provides maternity insurance programs to support expectant mothers and reduce the financial burden of childbirth. These programs often target low-income or economically disadvantaged families.

  • Indemnity maternity insurance

Indemnity plans provide a fixed sum or daily allowance for each day of hospitalization or medical treatment related to maternity. The policyholder can use the payout as they see fit, whether it’s for medical expenses or other personal needs.

  • Waiting period variations

Many maternity insurance policies have waiting periods before you can claim the benefits. These waiting periods vary among policies and can range from a few months to a couple of years. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the waiting period before purchasing the policy.

  • Family floater plans

Some family floater plans also offer coverage for the entire family, including maternity benefits. This type of policy is useful if both partners in a family plan to have maternity coverage in the same policy.

Disclaimer: When choosing a maternity insurance policy, it’s crucial to assess your unique requirements, budget, and existing coverage. It’s advisable to compare policies from different insurers, considering factors like coverage, waiting periods, network hospitals, and premium costs. This way, you can select a policy that best fits your needs and provides the necessary financial protection during pregnancy and childbirth.

Who Can Benefit from Buying Health Insurance with Maternity Cover?

Health insurance with maternity cover can benefit several individuals and families, particularly those who are planning to start a family or are already expecting. Here are the key groups of people who can benefit from purchasing maternity health insurance:

  • Expecting parents

Couples who are planning to have a baby or are already expecting can greatly benefit from maternity insurance. It provides financial security and coverage for the various medical expenses related to pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal care.

  • Newly married couples

Young couples who have recently tied the knot and are considering starting a family in the near future can proactively invest in maternity health cover. This allows them to plan ahead and have comprehensive coverage when they decide to have children.

  • Dual-income families

Families where both partners are working may find a maternity insurance policy essential to manage the high medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth. It helps them avoid dipping into their savings or facing financial strain during this period.

  • Self-employed individuals

Self-employed individuals and freelancers often do not have access to employer-provided maternity benefits. For them, maternity insurance becomes even more critical to ensure financial support during pregnancy and delivery.

  • Women with pre-existing health conditions

Women who have pre-existing health conditions or a history of complications during pregnancy may find it challenging to get coverage or may face higher premiums. Having a maternity insurance policy can offer them comprehensive coverage tailored to their specific needs.

  • Couples with fertility concerns

For couples struggling with fertility issues and considering assisted reproductive technologies like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), health insurance with maternity cover offers fertility treatments, making family planning more accessible.

  • Single mothers

Single mothers who do not have access to a partner’s health insurance benefits can benefit from maternity insurance. It provides them with the necessary financial coverage and support during their pregnancy journey.

  • Families with multiple children

A maternity insurance policy can be valuable for families with multiple children, as it offers financial relief during successive pregnancies and childbirths.

  • Families with limited savings

Families with limited financial reserves may find maternity insurance crucial in avoiding significant financial strain and debt during pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Couples with high medical costs

Some families may anticipate higher medical costs during pregnancy due to specific medical conditions or preferences for specialized medical facilities. Maternity health coverage can be a lifeline in such situations.

What is Covered Under Health Insurance Including Maternity Coverage?

Here are the key inclusions of a maternity insurance policy:

  • Prenatal and post-natal care coverage for routine prenatal check-ups, doctor consultations, and diagnostic tests during the pregnancy 
  • Delivery expense coverage for hospitalization charges, surgeon fees, and other delivery-related medical costs, including normal and cesarean deliveries
  • Complications and emergency care coverage as financial support for unexpected pregnancy-related complications or medical emergencies 
  • Newborn baby coverage to include medical expenses for the newborn for a specific period after birth
  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses cover for medical costs incurred before admission to the hospital for delivery and after discharge during the recovery period
  • Preventive care services to cover preventive care services, such as screenings and tests, to promote early detection and wellness during pregnancy
  • Hospital room and board charges coverage for room charges during hospitalization for delivery and postnatal care
  • Laboratory and diagnostic tests coverage for diagnostic tests and lab work, including ultrasounds, blood tests, and other necessary examinations during pregnancy
  • Doctor’s consultation fees coverage for fees charged by obstetricians, gynecologists, and other healthcare professionals involved in prenatal and postnatal care
  • Medications coverage for prescribed medications related to pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal recovery
  • C-Section cost coverage for the additional expenses associated with a cesarean section, if required
  • Ambulance services to cover the cost of emergency ambulance services related to pregnancy or childbirth 
  • Anesthesia charges coverage for anesthesia costs during delivery, particularly in case of a cesarean section

What is Not Covered Under Health Insurance Including Maternity Coverage?

While health insurance with maternity cover provides comprehensive financial support for pregnancy and childbirth-related expenses, there are certain limitations and exclusions to be aware of. Here are the key exclusions of a maternity insurance policy: 

  • Pre-existing pregnancies that exist before the policy’s effective date
  • Fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), artificial insemination, or other assisted reproductive technologies
  • Contraceptives expenses
  • Abortion procedures unless it is medically necessary 
  • Maternity leave or income replacement
  • Non-medical expenses related to pregnancy, such as baby gear or nursery expenses
  • Injuries resulting from self-inflicted harm or illegal activities 
  • Cosmetic surgery or procedures that are not medically necessary 
  • Injuries from high-risk activities or extreme sports 

Disclaimer: It’s important to note that the specific coverage and extent of benefits may vary among different health insurance policies with maternity coverage. Additionally, policies may have waiting periods, limitations, and exclusions, so it is essential to carefully review the policy documents and consult with the insurer or insurance agent to understand the details of the coverage.

How to Choose a Maternity Insurance Policy in India?

Choosing a maternity health insurance policy in India requires careful consideration and evaluation of various factors to ensure that the policy aligns with your specific needs and provides comprehensive coverage. Here are the steps to help you choose the right maternity insurance policy in India:

  1. Ideally, start planning for a maternity insurance policy purchase well before you plan to have a baby. Many policies have waiting periods before you can claim maternity benefits, which can range from a few months to a couple of years. Starting early ensures that you are eligible for full coverage when you need it.
  2. Consider your current health status, family planning timeline, and financial situation. Determine the coverage you require, including prenatal care, delivery expenses, postnatal care, and any additional benefits you may need.
  3. Research various insurance providers and their maternity insurance policies. Compare the features, coverage, waiting periods, premium costs, network hospitals, and other terms and conditions of different policies.
  4. Understand the coverage limits and exclusions of each policy. Look for any specific limitations on certain medical treatments or procedures related to pregnancy and childbirth.
  5. Check the list of network hospitals associated with the insurance provider. Ensure that there are reputable hospitals and healthcare providers in your vicinity that offer quality maternity care.
  6. Consider the insurance company’s claim settlement ratio, which indicates the percentage of claims they have settled. A higher claim settlement ratio reflects a more reliable and customer-friendly insurer.
  7. Pay attention to the waiting periods for maternity coverage. Some policies may have separate waiting periods for different benefits, such as prenatal care and delivery expenses.
  8. Compare the premium of different policies and choose one that offers the best value for your money without compromising on the essential coverage.
  9. Some policies may offer additional benefits like coverage for newborn baby care, vaccinations, and special care for premature births. Consider these additional benefits if they align with your family’s needs.
  10. Check the policy’s renewability options, as some policies may not be renewable after a certain age or after the first claim is made.
  11. Read customer reviews and check the insurer’s ratings to gain insights into their reputation for customer service and claims processing.
  12. If you find the process overwhelming or confusing, consider consulting with an insurance advisor or agent who can guide you through the selection process based on your specific requirements.
  13. Before making the final buying decision, thoroughly read and understand the maternity health insurance policy document, including all terms, conditions, and exclusions.

How to Compare and Find the Best Health Insurance for Maternity Coverage?

Here are some tips to compare and find the best health insurance with maternity benefits:

  • Ensure that the policy explicitly mentions maternity benefits and provides a detailed breakdown of what is covered, including prenatal care, delivery expenses, postnatal care, and any complications related to pregnancy.
  • Look for policies that cover pregnancy-related complications, as unexpected complications can lead to significant medical expenses.
  • Check if the policy has any sub-limits on room rent during hospitalization. Higher room rent limits ensure better access to better hospital facilities during delivery.
  • Evaluate the extent of coverage for pre-natal and post-natal expenses, as these are essential components of maternity care.
  • Confirm the coverage for pre and post-hospitalization expenses, as these costs can be significant.
  • Some policies offer a waiver on the maternity waiting period if you already have an existing health insurance policy with maternity coverage. Check if such an option is available.
  • Inquire if the policy offers a no-claim bonus, where the sum insured increases for each claim-free year.
  • Check the grace period for policy renewal, and ensure the policy is renewable for a lifetime to ensure continued coverage even after having children.
  • Research the claim settlement process of the insurance company. Opt for an insurer with a smooth and efficient claims settlement history.
  • Check for sub-limits on specific treatments or procedures related to maternity, and ensure they are reasonable. Some policies have sub-limits specifically for maternity coverage. Evaluate these limits to ensure they meet your expected expenses.
  • Understand the deductibles and co-payment clauses in the policy. Evaluate how they may impact your out-of-pocket expenses during maternity-related treatments.

How to Buy Health Insurance with Maternity Cover?

You can buy maternity health insurance through various channels, including offline, online, and through aggregators. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy health insurance with maternity cover through each of these channels:

Steps to buy a maternity insurance policy offline

  • Begin by researching different insurance providers offering maternity coverage. Gather brochures and policy documents to compare features, coverage, waiting periods, and premium costs.
  • Visit the physical branches or offices of shortlisted insurance companies. Speak with their representatives to understand the policy details and clarify any doubts.
  • If you prefer personalized assistance, you can contact an insurance agent who can help you navigate through the available options and recommend suitable policies based on your needs.
  • Once you have decided on the policy, fill out the application form provided by the insurance company. Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information.
  • Some insurance companies may require a medical check-up, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions. Complete the necessary medical tests if requested.
  • Pay the premium amount either through cash, cheque, or online as per the insurer’s guidelines. After payment, the insurance company will issue the policy documents.

Steps to buy maternity medical insurance online

  • Use insurance aggregator websites or visit insurance company websites to compare different policies offering maternity coverage. These platforms provide an easy way to view multiple options side by side.
  • Select the policy that best fits your needs, considering coverage, waiting periods, premiums, and additional benefits.
  • Fill out the online application form with accurate and complete information. Provide necessary details about your health and any pre-existing conditions, if applicable.
  • Review the details provided and customize the policy according to your requirements, such as selecting a specific sum insured and optional riders.
  • Pay the premium online using various payment options available, such as credit/debit cards, net banking, or mobile wallets.
  • After successful payment, you will receive the policy documents, usually via email. Save these documents for future reference.

How to File a Claim under Health Insurance with Maternity Benefits?

Filing a claim under health insurance with maternity cover involves a series of steps to ensure a smooth and successful claims process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to filing a claim:

  1. Understand the policy coverage

Before proceeding with the claim, familiarize yourself with the maternity benefits covered under your health insurance policy. Review the policy document to understand the scope of coverage, waiting periods, sub-limits, and any specific requirements for maternity claims.

  1. Notify the insurance company

As soon as you plan to undergo prenatal care or know about the pregnancy, inform the insurance company about your intention to file a maternity claim. Some policies may require early notification to avoid any potential claim rejections.

  1. Get pre-authorization (if applicable)

For planned hospitalization, such as delivery, some insurance companies may require pre-authorization. This involves informing the insurer about the hospitalization in advance to obtain approval for the expenses that will be covered. Check if your policy requires pre-authorization and follow the process accordingly.

  1. Gather necessary documents

Collect all relevant documents needed for the claim, which typically include:

  • Copy of the health insurance policy
  • Pre-authorization request (if required)
  • Hospitalization bills and receipts
  • Discharge summary from the hospital
  • Doctor’s consultation notes and reports
  • Diagnostic test reports
  • Receipts for medicines and medical supplies
  • Any other documents specified by the insurer
  1. Complete the claim form

Obtain the claim form from the insurance company’s website or customer service center. Fill out the form accurately and completely, providing all the required details, including your policy number, personal information, and details of the medical treatment.

  1. Submit the claim form

Submit the completed claim form along with all supporting documents to the insurance company. You can submit the claim in person at the insurer’s branch office or through electronic means, such as email or online portals.

  1. Follow up and track progress

After submitting the claim, keep track of its progress. You can follow up with the insurance company’s customer service team to check the status of your claim and inquire about any additional information they may require.

  1. Get claim settlement letter

Once the insurance company processes your claim, they will send you a settlement letter detailing the approved claim amount. If any deductions or co-payments apply, they will be specified in the settlement letter.

  1. Receive reimbursement or direct payment

Depending on the policy terms, you may receive reimbursement for the approved claim amount, where you pay the expenses upfront and get reimbursed later. Alternatively, the insurance company may directly settle the claim amount with the hospital or healthcare provider (cashless claim) if they have a tie-up with the hospital.

  1. Retain records

Keep copies of all claim-related documents and communications for future reference.

By following these steps and being well-prepared, you can efficiently file a claim under your health insurance policy with maternity cover and ensure that you receive the financial support you need during this significant phase of life.


What is health insurance with maternity cover and why do I need it?

A maternity medical insurance policy is a specialized health insurance plan that provides coverage for pregnancy-related expenses, including prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, and any complications that may arise during pregnancy. You need a maternity insurance policy to ensure financial protection and support during this transformative phase of life, as pregnancy and childbirth can involve significant medical expenses.

When should I purchase a health insurance policy with maternity cover?

It is advisable to purchase a maternity insurance policy well before you plan to conceive. Most policies have waiting periods before you can claim maternity benefits, ranging from a few months to a couple of years. Starting early ensures you have full coverage when you need it during your pregnancy journey.

What are waiting periods in maternity insurance policies?

Waiting periods are specific periods during which you cannot claim certain benefits, including maternity coverage, after purchasing the insurance policy. These waiting periods vary among policies and insurers. It’s crucial to be aware of the waiting period for maternity benefits and plan accordingly.

Can I buy health insurance with maternity cover in India as an add-on to my existing policy?

Some health insurance plans offer maternity riders as optional add-ons. You can include maternity coverage in your existing health insurance policy by purchasing such riders. This allows you to enhance your coverage without purchasing a separate maternity insurance policy.

What medical expenses are covered under a maternity health insurance policy?

Health insurance including maternity coverage typically covers expenses related to prenatal care, delivery (normal and cesarean), postnatal care, hospitalization charges, doctor consultations, etc. arising during pregnancy. Some policies may also cover newborn baby care for a specified period.

Does the best health insurance for maternity cover fertility treatments such as IVF?

Not all maternity insurance policies cover fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF). Some policies may have specific exclusions for assisted reproductive technologies. If fertility treatment coverage is essential for you, look for policies that offer this benefit.

Can I claim maternity-related expenses after childbirth?

Most maternity insurance policies typically cover postnatal care expenses for both the mother and the newborn. You can claim for medical expenses related to post-delivery care during the recovery period.

Are there any exclusions in maternity insurance coverage?

Maternity medical insurance may have exclusions, such as pre-existing pregnancies, elective procedures, non-medical expenses, etc. It’s essential to review the policy documents to understand the exclusions and limitations.

Can I avail of maternity health cover benefits for multiple pregnancies?

Maternity medical insurance benefits are typically available for multiple pregnancies. As long as you meet the policy’s waiting period requirements and other terms, you can claim maternity benefits for successive pregnancies.

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