A Complete Guide to IDV in Bike Insurance

IDV in bike insurance - BimaBandhu

There’s an undeniable thrill with owning a two-wheeler and the freedom of the open road. Whether you use your bike for commuting, leisurely rides, or even as a statement of your adventurous spirit, it’s essential to protect your prized possession with insurance. Bike insurance provides financial security against unforeseen events such as accidents, theft, or damage. 

However, many buyers often find themselves stuck in understanding what determines the premium they need to pay and why it varies so widely. Here, we delve into the world of bikes and shed light on a crucial factor that influences premiums: Insured Declared Value or IDV in bike insurance.

Understanding the Bike Insurance Premium Predicament

When individuals consider buying bike insurance, the premium becomes a significant factor that often leaves them perplexed. You might wonder why insurance premiums differ from one bike to another or what elements contribute to this cost.

The truth is that several factors affect bike insurance premiums, including the make, model, age, cubic capacity, and geographical location. Many insurers also take into account the claims history, the age and driving record of the policyholder, and the intended usage of the bike. While these factors play a crucial role, the IDV in two wheeler insurance holds a unique position in determining the premium.

What is IDV in Bike Insurance?

IDV value in bike insurance refers to the maximum sum insured by the insurance company in the event of a total loss or theft of your bike. In simpler terms, it represents the market value of your bike at any given point in time. It is an important factor in determining the premium you need to pay for your bike insurance policy and serves as the basis for calculating the coverage provided by the insurance company. In case of an unfortunate incident resulting in the total loss of your bike, the insurance company will reimburse you up to the IDV amount.

Now that you know what IDV means in bike insurance, let’s get into the calculation process. The calculation of IDV takes into account the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the bike and factors in depreciation based on the age of the vehicle. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) sets guidelines for the depreciation rate to be applied to the IDV.

As your bike ages, its value depreciates. Therefore, the IDV decreases over time. The depreciation is calculated based on a standard schedule defined by the insurer, which takes into consideration the age of the bike. It is important to note that the IDV is not the same as the resale value of the bike but represents the maximum amount that the insurance company will pay in case of a claim.

Importance of IDV in Two Wheeler Insurance

IDV in two wheeler insurance plays a crucial role for both policyholders and insurance providers. Let’s explore the key reasons why it is important:

  • Determining the sum insured

IDV in bike insurance serves as the basis for calculating the maximum sum insured provided by the insurance company. In the event of a total loss, theft, or irreparable damage to your bike, the insurance company will reimburse you up to the IDV amount. It ensures that you receive fair compensation for your loss.

  • Setting premiums

The IDV also affects the premium you need to pay for buying a two-wheeler insurance policy. As the IDV increases, the premium also tends to rise. This is why insurers consider the IDV as one of the factors in assessing the risk associated with providing coverage. A higher IDV indicates a higher potential liability for the insurer in case of a claim, leading to a higher premium.

  • Assessing adequate coverage

IDV can also help you evaluate whether your bike insurance policy coverage adequately reflects the market value of the bike. It ensures that you have the appropriate level of coverage to protect your valuable asset. By understanding the IDV and comparing it with the market value, you can assess if the insurance coverage aligns with your needs.

  • Depreciation consideration

This Value takes into account the depreciation of your bike over time. Keeping that in mind, insurance companies follow a standard depreciation schedule defined by regulatory authorities to calculate the IDV. This helps insurers provide a fair value for your bike while determining the sum insured and premium.

  • Claim settlement

During the claim settlement process, the IDV serves as the maximum compensation limit. If your bike suffers total loss, theft, or irreparable damage, the insurance company will reimburse you up to the IDV amount. Having an accurate and fair IDV ensures that you receive appropriate compensation in case of a covered loss, hence allowing you to recover from the incident financially.

  • Negotiating premiums

Understanding what IDV means in bike insurance empowers you to negotiate the premium with insurance providers. By accurately assessing the market value of your bike and calculating the IDV, you can have informed discussions with insurers about the premium payable. This knowledge gives you leverage to ensure you pay a fair and reasonable premium based on the coverage provided.

How to Calculate the IDV in Bike Insurance?

Calculating the IDV in two wheeler insurance is a straightforward process, and most insurance companies/aggregators provide online IDV calculators to assist policyholders. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the IDV using an online calculator:

Step 1: Visit the website of your insurer/aggregator to access their online bike insurance calculator.

Step 2: Fill in the required details including the make, model, and variant of your bike, manufacturing year, registration city or location.

Step 3: Enter additional information including your name, contact details, and any other required personal information. Also, provide the details of your bike’s usage, which can be personal or commercial.

Step 4: Submit the information and wait for the calculator to process the details.

Step 5: The online calculator will display the IDV based on the information provided. Take note of the IDV amount shown.

Step 6: Compare the calculated IDV with the market value of your bike. If you believe the calculated IDV is significantly higher or lower than the actual market value, contact the insurance company or their representative to discuss and adjust the IDV.

It’s important to note that the online calculator provides an estimate based on the information you provide. While it helps give you an idea of the IDV, insurance companies may have their own internal mechanisms to determine the final IDV in bike insurance. Additionally, the depreciation factor is considered when calculating the IDV. The insurer applies a standard depreciation rate based on the age of your bike as determined by the regulatory authority in India.

Recommended Read: All About IDV Calculator

Role of Depreciation in Calculate IDV of a Bike

Depreciation plays a significant role in calculating the IDV in bike insurance. Since it represents the market value of the bike at a particular time, it is quite important. Here’s how it influences the calculation of IDV:

  • Age-related depreciation

As a bike ages, its value decreases due to factors such as wear and tear, usage, and market trends. Insurance companies consider the age of the bike to determine the extent of depreciation applied to its original value. It is calculated based on a standard schedule defined by the insurance company and/or the IRDAI.

  • Depreciation slabs

Insurers typically follow a predefined depreciation schedule that outlines the percentage of depreciation to be applied based on the age of the bike. For example, the first year may have a depreciation rate of 5%, while subsequent years may have higher rates. These slabs help insurers calculate a fair and standardized IDV for different ages of bikes.

It’s important to note that the depreciation slabs and calculation methods may vary slightly between insurance companies. Therefore, it is advisable to review the terms and conditions of your specific insurance policy or consult with the insurance provider to understand their depreciation guidelines and how they impact the calculation of IDV in bike insurance.

Depreciation Slabs to Calculate IDV in Two Wheeler Insurance

Here’s a table showcasing the typical depreciation slabs used to calculate the IDV in bike insurance in India:

Age of the Bike

Depreciation Slab (%)

Less than 6 months 5%
6 months to 1 year 15%
1 year to 2 years 20%
2 years to 3 years 30%
3 years to 4 years 40%
4 years to 5 years 50%
More than 5 years Depreciation is based on the mutual agreement between the insurer and the policyholder

**The above table represents a general guideline and may vary slightly between insurance companies.

7 Factors You Should Consider While Calculating Your Bike’s IDV

Calculating the IDV of your bike requires considering several important factors that help ensure an accurate estimation of your bike’s market value. These include:

1. Manufacturer’s listed selling price

The IDV calculation begins with the manufacturer’s listed selling price of your bike. It represents the original value of the bike when it was brand new. This price serves as the starting point for determining the IDV in bike insurance

2. Age of the bike

The age of your bike is a critical factor in IDV calculation. This is what the insurance companies follow while including depreciation slabs to determine the percentage of depreciation.

3. Usage and condition

The usage and condition of your bike also impact its market value. Factors such as mileage, wear and tear, maintenance, modifications, and its overall condition can affect its resale value. A well-maintained bike in good condition generally retains a higher market value compared to a bike with excessive wear or damage.

4. Model, make, and variant

The specific model, make, and variant of your bike also contribute to its market value. Different bike models and variants have varying market demands and prices. Your insurance company takes these factors into account to assess the market value and determine the IDV.

5. Geographical location

The geographical location where your bike is registered and primarily used can influence its market value. Factors such as demand, local market conditions, and regional variations in prices can impact the IDV calculation.

6. Optional accessories

If your bike is equipped with additional accessories that are not part of the standard manufacturer’s package, you need to consider their value. Optional accessories, such as high-end audio systems, alloy wheels, or customized parts, can add value to your bike and should be included when calculating the IDV.

7. Type of policy

The type of insurance policy you have affects the calculation of the IDV. If you have a third-party policy, the IDV calculation is not applicable since third-party insurance only covers damages or liabilities incurred by third parties involved in an accident caused by your bike. Here, the IDV is not a factor in determining the coverage or premium for insurance.

On the other hand, the IDV plays a significant role for a comprehensive policy. It represents the maximum sum insured for your bike in case of theft, total loss, or irreparable damage and helps determine the coverage/premium for the policy.

Also Read: A Complete Guide to IDV

Advantages and Disadvantages of Selecting High/Low IDV in Bike Insurance

Here’s a table summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of high and low IDV calculations in bike insurance:

High IDV 

Low IDV 


1. In the event of a total loss, theft, or irreparable damage, a higher IDV ensures a potentially higher claim settlement amount. 1. A lower IDV generally leads to a lower premium amount, resulting in cost savings on insurance premiums.
2. With a high IDV, you have greater coverage and financial protection for your bike, as the insurance company reimburses you up to the IDV in case of a covered loss. 2. A lower IDV is suitable for older bikes with significantly depreciated values and ensures that the insurance coverage aligns with the market value of the bike.
3. A high IDV may be beneficial if you plan to sell your bike in the future, as it accounts for a higher market value and may result in better resale value. 3. A lower IDV reduces the insurer’s potential liability in case of a claim, as the claim amount is limited to the IDV.


1. A high IDV usually leads to a higher premium, as the insurance company faces a greater potential liability in case of a claim. 1. In the event of a total loss, theft, or irreparable damage, a lower IDV may result in a lower claim settlement amount and can potentially leave you underinsured.
2. If the IDV is set too high, you may end up paying a higher premium for coverage that exceeds the actual market value of your bike. 2. A lower IDV may not provide adequate coverage to replace your bike’s market value in case of a covered loss, potentially leading to financial gaps.
3. While a high IDV considers better resale value, the actual resale value at the time of selling may be different due to market conditions, demand, and other factors. 3. A lower IDV may not accurately reflect the potential resale value of your bike, potentially affecting your financial returns in case of a sale.

Here, it’s important to strike a balance while calculating the IDV in bike insurance to ensure adequate coverage and fair compensation in case of a loss, while also considering premium affordability and market value considerations.


What is IDV value in bike insurance? 

IDV is the approximate current market value of your bike at any given time. It represents the maximum sum insured by the insurance company in case of theft, total loss, or irreparable damage to your bike.

How is IDV calculated for bike insurance? 

IDV is calculated based on your bike’s age, manufacturer’s listed selling price, depreciation, model, make, variant,  and several other factors. Insurance companies also use predefined depreciation slabs to calculate the IDV for different age brackets.

Why is IDV in bike insurance important? 

IDV determines the maximum claim amount you can receive in case of a total loss or theft of your bike. It ensures that you are adequately compensated based on the current market value of your bike.

Can I change the IDV for my bike insurance? 

Generally, the IDV is determined by the insurance company based on predefined factors and depreciation schedules. However, if you believe the calculated IDV does not accurately reflect the market value of your bike, you can discuss it with the insurance company and request an adjustment.

What happens if I choose a higher IDV for my bike insurance? 

Opting for a higher IDV will increase your insurance premium since the insurance company faces a higher potential liability in case of a claim. However, it also ensures that you receive a higher claim settlement amount in the event of a total loss, or theft.

What are the consequences of choosing a lower IDV for my bike insurance? 

Selecting a lower IDV may result in a lower insurance premium, but it also means that you may receive a lower claim settlement amount in case of a total loss or irreparable damage. It is important to ensure that the chosen IDV adequately covers the market value of your bike to avoid being underinsured.

Can I increase the IDV during the policy period? 

You cannot increase the IDV during the policy period. However, at the time of policy renewal, you can request a reassessment of the IDV based on the bike’s current market value.

Is IDV the same as the bike’s resale value? 

IDV may not necessarily be the same as the actual resale value. The resale value is also influenced by other factors such as market demand, condition, modifications, and other variables, whereas IDV represents the maximum sum insured by the insurance company.

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